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If youre in the market for some novel, quirky, eccentric, and different lights, Exhart has got you covered thanks to their new solar hanging balls. The Exhart Solar Hanging Acrylic Balls are wondrous, stunning light features that are sure to be a welcome and amazing addition to your home. They can be hung out in your garden or in your porch, gazebo, or outdoor seating area and provide subtle, subdued, tender lighting that is not too bright and bold. These solar-powered lights are energy-efficient and do not require any battery changes or battery recharges thanks to the solar power they accumulate during the day. Please be sure to place them in an area that is exposed to the sun in order for them to work. They are equipped with powerful LED lights that automatically glow from within their acrylic casing once the sun sets. The solar hanging balls come ready for use and hanging, making setting them up an effortless and easy task. They are perfect to accentuate whichever part of the garden you wish to highlight and draw attention to, be it a space, a feature, or those wonderful flowers that have finally bloomed, and they add elegance to the area as they gentle swing around in the breeze, creating wonderful, magical light effects. These stunning lights have a durable acrylic finish along with a UV-treated, exquisite metal frame, which ensures that they stay strong and sturdy regardless of the weather. These lights also make for a perfect wedding or housewarming gift for those loved ones who are just starting on their journey together. So, the next time youre wondering about what to gift your friends and family, remember these mesmerizing hanging light balls that are sure to light and joy to the lives of everyone around you. .(1)Made from durable acrylic material situated within a metal frame (2)Solar-powered and automatically comes on as soon as the sun sets (3)Perfect for highlighting and accentuating a particular feature or space (4)Comes ready to be hung, making setting up an effortless process.
Brand | Exhart |
Cap type | built-in LED lamp |
Country of origin | UNITED STATES |
Fixture color | dark green |
Height | 15.3 |
Installation | suspension |
Package quantity | 1 |
Purpose | landscape |
pa_type | decorative lights |
Width | 10.2 |
Производитель | Exhart |
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