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This Ocean Madison Margarita Glass 345ML is meant to maximize the pleasure of drinking wine. It is specially designed to expose more surface area so that more aroma of the drink is released when you pour it out into the glass. It is made of toughened glass that will not break easily and will last for a long time. The glass is made of premium quality material so that you enjoy the finest drinking experience. The glass is large with a purpose-to increase your consumption of wine. According to studies when the glass is larger and more wine is poured into it the consumption increases leading you to order more wine. This margarita glass is ideal for drinking cocktails. You can watch the glass as you take in the drink. The glass comes priced affordably so that you can own more of them and enjoy your drinking moments with friends. The glass can be gripped firmly between your fingers so you need not worry about the glass slipping away from your hands. The glass encourages you to enjoy your drink little by little so that you get the best wine drinking experience. The glass has a capacity of 345ml so that you can sip on it longer. The glass is made of transparent glass so that you can watch your drink while in the act of drinking. The glass has a broad base so that it can be stable on any surface and be handled with more ease. The glass is compact so you can store it easily in any cupboard. You can even show it off to your friends as the margarita glass has an aesthetic appeal and your friends will appreciate your tastes. The glass can be used with other drinks as well. The rim is thin to help you get the perfect drinking experience while taking wine. .(1)This margarita glass is meant to give you the best drinking experience.(2)The glass rim has been kept thin so that you get the perfect drinking experience.(3)Not only wine but this glass is also ideal for enjoying cocktails.(4)The glass is aesthetically designed and can improve the decor of your room.
Package quantity | 1 |
Set quantiity | 1 |
pa_type | wineglass |
Volume | 345 |
Производитель |
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