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The incredibly one-of-a-kind clips that come with these Exhart Solar Hanging Acrylic Ball Lights White may be quite useful when they are put to use in an outdoor environment. They come in the dimensions of 4 x 4 x 6 inches. These lights are available in white. It is possible to hang and secure them in the open air in a safe manner. They emit a white light that may be used for decoration and may help to provide a serene environment in your garden, yard, patio, tree, or fence as well as at your wedding. This light can also be utilized at your or someone elses wedding! The Exhart Solar Hanging Ball Light is made of acrylic, which is impervious to the weather and able to tolerate high temperatures as well as days that are either sunny, stormy, snowy or rainy. It is also capable of withstanding a range of conditions. This solar lamp gets its light from a low-power LED that has a long lifespan and is used as the lamps light source. Do not charge the lights for an entire day, rest it may malfunction due to overcharge. It is not necessary to have any prior knowledge of technology in order to make use of these decorative lights; all that is required is to suspend the lamp in an area where it can receive full, unobstructed sunlight until it is fully charged, after which time it can be utilized anywhere it is desired to be used. The materials and LEDs used in the product are manufactured with good quality and are some of the most cost effective decors available in the markets worldwide. So what are you waiting for? Buy The Exhart Solar Hanging Ball Light now from any available platforms and start decorating your wonderful life. .(1) It comes in the dimensions of 4 x 4 x 6 inches. (2) It is a solar powered hanging light ball. (3) It is lightweight and can be easily hung anywhere. (4) Its made of acrylic material and is white in color. (5) Its a very cost effective, value for money, premium, durable product.
Brand | Exhart |
Cap type | built-in LED lamp |
Country of origin | UNITED STATES |
Fixture color | white |
Height | 15.3 |
Installation | suspension |
Package quantity | 1 |
Purpose | landscape |
pa_type | decorative lights |
Width | 10.2 |
Производитель | Exhart |
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