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Being eco-friendly, modern, sustainable, and durable is not an easy combination to get. The Interdesign Formbu Bamboo Utensil caddy is the right blend of all the above. Its made up of bamboo which is considered durable and stylish and earth-friendly. It is available in plenty and also fast-growing plants. Since bamboo is grown without pesticides its also chemical-free. This product is nicely designed for organizing spoons, forks, knives, and tissues in a better way and can be kept on the dining table. it helps us to find our spoons quickly without any mess. When placed on the dining table it also allows us to sit and enjoy our meals rather than getting up to reach out for spoons. The size of the product is 6.5 x 2.36 x 5.12 inches which makes it look compact and not huge when placed on a table dining area, store area, or in cabinets or bathrooms. The natural color of bamboo has its design and makes it stylish in its own unique way to fit in with all kinds of surroundings. It has two handles on the back of it which makes it easier for us to carry from one place to another and we can hang it on some place where there is a provision. We can keep our ladles used in the kitchen and get rid of the messy ness of opening and searching for the right one with dirty hands from the drawers. Further, it can be used in bathrooms to place toothpaste, toothbrushes, and tongue cleaners. we can put nail cutters, filers, combs, and much more in the caddy which will leave a clear place on the shelves of cabinets increasing the storage capacity and will make things look neat and tidy. Its very easy to clean the product by either wiping it with a cloth or washing it with water. The space between the bars of the caddy is designed for easy cleaning and doesnt let the dirt settle in the bottom. Go ahead and make a wise choice of purchasing this versatile Bamboo Caddy and make a difference. (1). Simple yet elegant design to make it look super stylish. (2). Made from a bamboo tree which makes it eco-friendly and chemical-free. (3). Has stands on the sides which makes it convenient to handle and hang. (4). Can be used in a kitchen, bathroom, dining table, and store room.
Brand | Inter Design |
For railing system | false |
Length | 16 |
Set | false |
pa_type | organizer |
Width | 6 |
Производитель | Inter Design |
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