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Mason Cash Classic Collection Square Dish, 24 cm, is a great product for modern and traditional kitchens. These square oven dishes are an invaluable tool designed to help you make the best possible baked dishes and serve them to your friends and family. These will help you dish out culinary masterpieces that will be loved and enjoyed by all. Non-reactive baking dish: While cookware materials such as aluminium and copper release metal into the food you cook in them, especially if that food is acidic, Mason Cashʼs stoneware cookware is chemically stable. This stability makes them safer and healthier and provides cleaner flavours because the metal that leaches into food from aluminium and copper pans can impart a metallic taste as well. Even cooking: These square oven dishes hold heat well, distributing it evenly and cooking foods efficiently. This heat-holding quality of stoneware makes it especially useful for baked goods, which develop a lovely, browned exterior. Because stoneware baking dishes hold heat so well, food may continue to cook even after you remove these white square dishes from the oven. This quality can save energy, but consider it when baking foods, such as cookies, with sensitive cooking times. The durability of stoneware: Stoneware bakeware is durable and can be passed down through generations in families. Although these white square dishes may crack if you drop it or set it down on a hot surface, they tend to be thick and solid enough to withstand the accidents and wear that occur during typical daily use. During its production process, stoneware is heated to 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit. These square oven dishes are capable of withstanding the highest heat level your home oven can generate. (1) Mason Cashʼs white square dishes are a must-have in your kitchen. (2) These square oven dishes are suitable for baking your culinary masterpieces. (3) Not just for baking, you can also use this product to serve food. (4) This product made of stoneware is strong, durable and long-lasting.
Colour | white |
Length | 24 |
Purpose | for baking |
Shape | square |
Width | 24 |
Производитель |
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