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Архивы: Магазин
Отображение 1313–1328 из 75942
Ocean San Marino Rock 290ml Set
0 ₽Купить товарThe Ocean San Marino glass set includes six pieces of high-quality, pure, and transparent glass. Its sleek and classy design adds a touch of elegance to any occasion. It can also be used to serve normal drinks also like juice, water, mixed drinks or shakes. Each glass holds 290ml, making it a practical choice. These …
Oshtraco 4W AC220-240V E14 Warm White LED Lamp
0 ₽Купить товарOshtraco Led Lamp 4W Ac220-240v E14 WW Clear Filament is made using premium quality materials that ensure durability for a long period. The ergonomic design of the bulb allows the user to install it effortlessly. These bulbs are built to last, which means that they are highly resistant to damage and wont break easily. This …
Osram / Bulb ESL 3U, 23 W, Daylight
0 ₽Купить товарOsram ESL 3U 23 watt bulb is manufactured from top quality Japanese technology designed for a long lasting illumination and eventually offering a rapid fast return on your investment. Whenever we talk about light bulbs we talk about energy usage and Osram guarantees you the energy usage to be about 80% less in comparison to …
Osram / Bulb ESL 3U, 23 W, Daylight
0 ₽Купить товарOsram ESL 3U 23 watt bulb is manufactured from top quality Japanese technology designed for a long lasting illumination and eventually offering a rapid fast return on your investment. Whenever we talk about light bulbs we talk about energy usage and Osram guarantees you the energy usage to be about 80% less in comparison to …
Osram / Bulb T5, 14 W, Warm white
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.The Osram T5 is an high efficiency light . These have a very long life of an …
OSRAM / Bulb T5, Tube, 21 W, Daylight
0 ₽Купить товарOSRAM T5 tube lighting solutions are economical and efficient. With an average life span of about 24000 hours, they help save costs. Appropriate for use in a wide variety of domestic and commercial uses. This efficient OSRAM tube is a base type T5 light and is a 21 Watts lighting tube. With high levels of …
Osram / Bulb, Tube 18 W, Warm white
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.The 18 Watts warm white tube from Osram is a high efficency light and with its improved …
Osram / Capsule G9 lamp, 20 Watts
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.The Osram Halopin gives out Brilliant accent lighting. It’s a revolutionary new luminaire design. These lamps contain …
Osram / Capsule G9 lamp, 33 — 40 W
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.The Osram Halopin gives out Brilliant accent lighting. It’s a revolutionary new luminaire design. These lamps contain …
Osram / Capsule G9 lamp, 48 W
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.The Osram G9 Halopin is a halogen capsule with a 48W single end capsule with a G9 …
Osram / Capsule G9 lamp, 60 W
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.The Osram G9 Halopin is a halogen capsule with a single end with a G9 base. These …
Арсений Ширяев
Я, Арсений Ширяев, в свободное время пишу статья для сайта patriothouse.ru. Все данные для своих статей беру из открытых источников. Стараюсь писать только на самые актуальные темы с максимально свежими данными. Я профессиональный Дизайнер.