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Архивы: Магазин
Отображение 1329–1344 из 75942
Osram / Capsule lamp, 12 V, 50 W
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.One of the smallest halogen lamps from Osram have a revolutionary new luminaire design. These lamps have …
Osram / Capsule lamp, 12V, 10 W
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.One of the smallest halogen lamps from Osram have a revolutionary new luminaire design. These lamps have …
Osram / Capsule lamp, 12V, 20 W
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light. This is one of the smallest halogen lamps by Osram. These pin-base lamps are ideal for …
Osram / Capsule lamp, 12V, 35 W
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light. This is one of the smallest halogen lamps by Osram. These pin-base lamps are ideal for …
Osram / Capsule lamp, 12V, 75 W
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.One of the smallest halogen lamps from Osram have a revolutionary new luminaire design. These lamps have …
Osram / Capsule lamp, 12V, 90 W
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.One of the smallest halogen lamps from Osram have a revolutionary new luminaire design. These lamps have …
Osram / Cfl bulb, 11 W, 2 pin, Cool white
0 ₽Купить товарThis energy-efficient OsramCFL bulb is a smart choice for anyone looking to save money on their electricity bill without sacrificing brightness. With a power consumption of just 11 watts, this bulb provides ample light while using significantly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. The cool white light emitted by this bulb is perfect for creating …
Osram / Cfl bulb, 13 W, 2 pin, Warm white
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.The 13 Watts Osram CFL bulb is a compact 13 watt fluorescent 2 pin bulb. It comes …
Osram / Cfl bulb, 13 W, 2 pin, Warm white
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.The 13 Watts Osram CFL bulb is a compact 13 watt fluorescent 2 pin bulb. It comes …
Osram / Cfl bulb, 13 W, 4 pin, Cool daylight
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.Osram’s 13 Watt tube is very economical thanks to its high efficiency. These lights can be dimmable …
Osram / Cfl bulb, 13 W, 4 pin, Warm white
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.Osram’s 13 Watt tube is very economical thanks to its high efficiency. These lights can be dimmable …
Osram / Cfl bulb, 18 W, 2 pin, Cool daylight
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.The 18 Watts Osram CFL bulb is a compact 18 watt fluorescent 2 pin bulb. It comes …
Osram / Cfl bulb, 18 W, 2 pin, Warm white
0 ₽Купить товарIlluminate your home or office with the Osram CFL bulb. This energy-efficient bulb is designed to provide warm white light, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. With its 18W power and 2-pin design, this bulb is perfect for use in lamps, ceiling fixtures, and other lighting fixtures. The long-lasting design ensures that you wont have …
Osram / Cfl bulb, 18 W, 4 pin, Cool daylight
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.Osram’s 18 Watt tube is very economical thanks to its high efficiency. These lights can be dimmable …
Osram / Cfl bulb, 18 W, 4 pin, Warm white
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.Osram’s 18 Watt tube is very economical thanks to its high efficiency. These lights can be dimmable …
Osram / Cfl bulb, 2 pin, 13 W, Cool day light
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.The 13 Watts Osram CFL bulb is a compact 13 watt fluorescent 2 pin bulb. It comes …
Арсений Ширяев
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