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Архивы: Магазин
Отображение 1345–1360 из 76008
Osram / Cfl bulb, 26 W, 2 pin, Cool daylight
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.The 26 Watts Osram CFL bulb is a compact 26 watt fluorescent 2 pin bulb. It comes …
Osram / Cfl bulb, 26 W, 2 pin, Warm white
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.The 26 Watts Osram CFL bulb is a compact 26 watt fluorescent 2 pin bulb. It comes …
Osram / Dichroic Lamp, 12 V, 35 W
0 ₽Купить товарYou may not know this, but the right lighting can give your property the wow factor youve been missing! All it takes is proper lighting accentuating different elements of your space to elevate it to a whole new level. Whether youre looking at enhancing the curb appeal of the backyard with lighting or need to …
Osram / Dichroic lamp, 12 V, 50 W
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.Osram’s dichroic reflector lamp with a clear integral front glass cover maintains the brilliance of the dichroic …
Osram / Dichroic lamp, 12V, 20 W
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.Osram’s dichroic reflector lamp with a clear integral front glass cover maintains the brilliance of the dichroic …
Osram Bulb ESL 3U 20 W
0 ₽Купить товарThe Osram ESL bulb is manufactured in a way that it offers a rapid fast return on your investment. It is designed in a compact dimensional method which allows this bulb to be used in a wide variety of domestic as well as commercial applications. It consumes almost about 80% less energy than the ordinary …
Osram Bulb ESL 3U 20W E27
0 ₽Купить товарWant fast returns on your investment, you would need to wear out your shoes to find the correct accountant for your monetary investments, however Osram ESL 3U 20 watts light bulbs doesnt make you go through the same pain, rather it makes your life easier as it is a one time investment, lasting as long …
Osram Bulb ESL 3U 8W E27 Daylight LED
0 ₽Купить товарThe Osram LED lamps can fill your room with light having high color consistency and can do that for more than 25,000 hours before needing to be replaced. It has the ability to switch on automatically when there is darkness and then switch off when there is sufficient light outside. These LED lamps are mercury …
Osram Bulb ESL Spiral 23W E27 Warm White
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light. Osrams spiral 23 watts lamps use 80% less energy as compared to the conventional lamps. Extremely …
Osram Bulb Light 8W Warm White
0 ₽Купить товарWhat sets apart the Osram ESL 3U 8W E27 Warm White from CFL lamps available in the market today is its low power consumption. Consuming just about 8W of power, the bulb is able to generate remarkable illumination, which is ideal for all domestic and commercial lighting purposes. This is a tube shaped lamp, and …
Osram Clear Filament LED Classic E14 4W Warm White
0 ₽Купить товарIf you are looking for a general purpose lamp that is suitable also for decorative purposes, then you would find nothing better than Osram Clear Filament LED Classic E14 4W Warm White. This innovative lamp is powered by LED filament technology, which makes it illuminate all indoor facilities with brilliance. These lamps are designed to …
Osram Clear Filament LED Classic E14 4W Warm WhiteЧитайте далее
Osram Clear Filament LED Classic E14 4W Warm White
0 ₽Купить товарIf you are looking for a general purpose lamp that is suitable also for decorative purposes, then you would find nothing better than Osram Clear Filament LED Classic E14 4W Warm White. This innovative lamp is powered by LED filament technology, which makes it illuminate all indoor facilities with brilliance. These lamps are designed to …
Osram Clear Filament LED Classic E14 4W Warm WhiteЧитайте далее
Osram Clear Filament LED Clear E27 4W Warm White
0 ₽Купить товарBring a new look to your room by replacing the ordinary bulbs with the Clear Filament LED bulb from Osram. It emits a bright warm white color which is very soothing to look at and doesnt consume much energy as compared to the normal filament bulbs. It is completely safe to be used and doesnt …
Osram Clear Filament LED Clear E27 4W Warm WhiteЧитайте далее
Osram Dulux Plus Lamp 26W 4-Pin Warm White
0 ₽Купить товарThis high-quality energy saving fluorescent lamp of 26W lamp with 4 pin comes with an energy rating of B class and has a life span of 2000 hours. The lamp starts instantly without the need for a warm-up time. Osram Dulux Plus Lamp 26W 4-Pin produces a sharp white light, and is ideal for a …
Osram ESL 3U 11 Watts E27 Day Light
0 ₽Купить товарThe traditional bulbs and lamps that are widely in use all around the world consume a lot of power and are bad for the environment as well. Osram has came up with a brilliant LED light which can be used in place of these bulbs and lamps and will provide the same amount of illumination …
Osram ESL 3U 23Watts E27 Bulb
0 ₽Купить товарThe Osram ESL 23W bulb is built strategically in such a way, that it illuminates the homes just as a tube light does as well as providing a pretty fast return on your investment. The compact dimensions that it is designed in allows it to be a quite suitable option to be used in a …
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