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Архивы: Магазин
Отображение 1361–1376 из 76008
Osram ESL bulb Spiral 15W E27 Day Light
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.Osrams spiral 15 watts lamps use 80% less energy as compared to the conventional lamps. Extremely compact …
Osram ESL bulb Spiral 15Watts E27 Warm White
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light. Osrams spiral 12 watts lamps use 80% less energy as compared to the conventional lamps. Extremely …
Osram ESL bulb Spiral 20W E27 Day Light
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.Osrams spiral 20 watts lamps use 80% less energy as compared to the conventional lamps. Extremely compact …
Osram ESL bulb Spiral 20W E27 Warm White
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light. Osrams spiral 20 watts lamps use 80% less energy as compared to the conventional lamps. Extremely …
Osram Esl Spiral 12W E14 Daylight
0 ₽Купить товарAre you interested in conserving energy and reducing your monthly utility bills all at once? There are plenty of home improvement projects you could tackle to help you accomplish each of these goals. But, one of the easiest ways to make your home more energy efficient is by upgrading the lighting. The Osram Esl Spiral …
Osram Esl Spiral 12W E14 Warm White
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.The Osram ESL spiral 12 Watts Warm light has a very good colour reproduction. These are not …
Osram Esl Spiral 12Watts E27 Warm White
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light. Osrams spiral 12 watts lamps use 80% less energy as compared to the conventional lamps. Extremely …
Osram Halogen 150w Lamp
0 ₽Купить товарThe Osram Halogen 150W is a high power halogen bulb from OSRAM, which delivers 150 watts of output on use. The bulb comprises of Xenon, instead of krypton as a filler gas, for a safer and better performance. Thanks to this, the bulb is able to generate up to 10 percent higher luminous flux, at …
Osram LED Bulb 10W Day Light
0 ₽Купить товарThe Osram LED Bulb 10W Day Light Frosted is an energy saving light bulb similar to incandescent lamps. Compare with its ordinary light bulb counterparts it results in energy saving of upto 80%. Its usage ensures that you cut down on your electricity bills. By cutting down on power consumption it reduces the dependence on …
Osram LED Bulb 6W Warm White Dimmable
0 ₽Купить товарOsram LED Bulb 6W Warm White Dimmable is a very compact LED bulb that comes with a 1 year warranty and has colour temperature of ?6500 Kelvin. Extremely power-efficient and lightweight, this LED bulb is the perfect choice to light up your living space. It casts a warm white light thats easy on the eyes …
Osram LED CL B40 Candle 5.5W WW Frosted
0 ₽Купить товарOsram’s compact yet robust LED bulbs are the perfect solution to both personal and professional lighting needs. Unlike most other LED bulbs, Osram’s doesn’t have any warmup time. Its simple design helps with seamless replacement. Though a low-energy consumption bulb, Osram’s LED lights up your surroundings like nothing else. With conventional fluorescent and incandescent lights, …
Osram Led E-27 10 Watts Warm White Frosted
0 ₽Купить товарThe Little Storage Co Bamboo Glass Trio with Tray Spoon is a stylish and functional addition to any kitchen or dining room. This set includes three glass jars with bamboo lids, a bamboo tray, and a bamboo spoon, making it perfect for storing and serving a variety of items. Each jar has a capacity of …
Osram Parathom LED 9.5W Dimmable Frosted lamps
0 ₽Купить товарBring down your energy consumption bills by 90% by switching to Osram Parathom LED 9.5W Dimmable Frosted lamp for your residential and commercial lighting needs. The bulb itself is composed of a frosted glass, which remains clear and illuminates the facility very well. The lamp is completely free from any mercury and is hence safe …
Osram Parathom MR16 5.5W Warm White
0 ₽Купить товарOsram is one of the leading companies in providing lighting solutions over the decades. OSRAM is evolving from the leading lighting producer to the high-tech champion of photonics. Photonics covers the entire technological range of visible and invisible light.These are Professional LED lamps, you can not dim them, they emit a warm white light. The …
Osram Spiral 12 Watts Day Light ESL Bulb
0 ₽Купить товарThe Osram Spiral 12 Watts E27 Day Light ESL Bulb is a one of its kind lamp that combines great power, very low energy conversion and an exquisite design into a single package. The bulb has a very low energy consumption rating, as low as 12 watts and would hence lead to great savings in …
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